Keep safe and sound this Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful time of year. With all the excitement, it can be easy to miss potential hazards and dangers, so we’ve come up with a few ways to keep you safe and sound this Christmas – and let you to get back to celebrating.
Check lights and decorations
Putting up decorations is a quintessential component of Christmas celebrations. With a few simple checks, you should be able to decorate without creating potential fire hazards.
Fireservice offer the following recommendations:
- Fairy Lights – check fuses, replace any blown bulbs, turn lights off when you’re out or asleep and make sure not to overload plug sockets.
- Decorations – keep potentially flammable decorations (tissue, paper etc) away from lights, candles and other sources of heat.
Don’t overshare
Social media is great for keeping in touch over the festive period, but be careful what and where you post. If you’re going away, try to avoid posting about it on social media – instead, save the updates for when you get back, or consider setting up a private group if you want to let friends and family know where you’ll be. Don’t alert would-be thieves to the fact your home is empty.
Keep shopping out of view
It’s not just Santa who’s making a list and checking it twice – unfortunately, thieves are also on the lookout for opportunities to steal high value Christmas gifts. Make sure you don’t end up a Christmas theft statistic by following these rules:
- Put presents out of sight in the boot of your car when shopping
- Keep presents out of view of ground floor windows
- Be careful with your rubbish – an empty box left by the bins could be an advertisement to thieves of the new items in your house
- Keep sheds and garages secure – especially if you’re hiding large presents like bikes
- Check if your insurer offers additional cover around Christmas time – esure customers get ‘Seasonal Cover,’ increased contents cover up to 15% for 4 weeks before and after religious festivals
Never drink and drive
Enjoying a drink with friends and family is great, but you should never take the risk of driving when you’re over the limit. A survey by the RAC found that a staggering 16% of drivers admitted to driving when they were likely to be over the limit – either straight after a drink or the morning after. The consequences from drink driving range from a fine to potentially causing a fatal accident. If you’re in any doubt, stay away from the wheel – and remember to look out for friends or family if they are considering driving over the limit.
Follow firework safety
A firework display is a lovely way to end one year and welcome the next, but it’s important to make sure everyone is safe – especially if your group have been drinking or you have children around. Follow the RoSPA fireworks code for a safer display, and remember to let neighbours know if you’re planning a display so they can keep their pets safe.
Now you’re aware of the risks and how to avoid them – relax and enjoy a safe & happy Christmas time.