Moving House Checklist

You found the perfect place, your offer was accepted, and now all that’s left is… the whole process of moving house. While the task can seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Keep track of what needs to be done at each stage of the move with our handy checklist, and you’ll be relaxing in your new place in no time.
Ask any final questions
If you can, ask the current homeowners any last questions you may have. These may include things like:
- What day are the bins collected?
- Where is the water stopcock?
- Who supplies your gas and electricity?
Notify the relevant people
If only it were as easy as getting the keys and settling in. Before you’re in your new house, there are a number of people who will need to be informed of your new address. They include:
- Your internet and telephone providers (this is also a good time to arrange to have the service transferred)
- Your bank, building society, or any other company with which you may have a loan or investment
- Your credit card company
- The DVLA (you’ll need to renew your licence and registration)
- TV licence (you’ll need to get a new one for your new house)
- Your GP
- Your local electoral roll
- Your employer
- Your children’s schools
- Your friends and family
Arrange mail forwarding
Lest any birthday cards (or bills) go astray, arrange for your mail to be forwarded from your old address to your new one directly from the Royal Mail website. The cost for the service varies by duration and location; you can choose from 3, 6, or 12 months and have mail forwarded to an address within the country or abroad.
It’s also worth noting that this service covers only one name, i.e. you’ll have to set up one service for yourself and another for your partner or any additional people.
Pack everything up
It can be overwhelming to think of packing everything up, and you may be wondering how to pack and when you should start.
If you have time, make a point to declutter before you begin packing. This will give you a chance to evaluate the items you’ve accumulated during your time in your current house and decide what stays and what goes. You’ll have fewer items to pack once you begin, and the items you pack will truly be the most essential or favourite.
As for when to start, it’s a good idea to start packing less-used items, such as out of season clothing or books, two to three weeks before the move. Around this time, you’ll also want to finalise your arrangements with the removals company and work out what will go with them and what you’ll be taking by yourself or leaving temporarily with friends. Begin earlier than you think you might need to and mark everything carefully. Once you’re in your new house, it’ll be easy to unpack the essentials and see what needs to go where over the next few days – or however long it takes to settle in.
However you prepare for your move, it’s important to have the correct Home Insurance for your new place. Get a quote with esure and learn more about the great optional extras we offer - you can find us on Compare The Market. Have any top tips for moving house? Share them on our facebook page.
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